
Senior Fellows來自不同專業領域,以其專業背景及經驗進行跨界研究合作,於亞堅會亞太區域之人才網絡中,他們透過比較性實證研究擴展了亞堅會各項研究之廣度及深度。


Prof. David Arase is a CAPRI 2023 Senior Fellow and Resident Professor of International Politics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Hopkins-Nanjing Center in Nanjing, China (2012-present). Prior to this, he was Professor of Politics at Pomona College, Claremont, CA, where he began as Assistant Professor in 1989. He was a Lecturer at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London from 1994 to 1995. He earned a BA from Cornell University (1977), an MA at Johns Hopkins SAIS (1982), and a PhD in Political Science from the University of California Berkeley (1989). David’s research areas include Indo-Pacific security, comparative foreign policy (special focus on China and Japan), Sino-US relations, international development (foreign aid), and comparative Asian politics. He has conducted resident research at National Chengchi University (Taiwan, 2022-23), Asia Global Institute at the University of Hong Kong (2020-22), several times at ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute (Singapore, since 2015), and the National Institute of Defense Studies (Tokyo, 2014). David is author of Buying Power: The political economy of Japan’s foreign aid (Lynne Rienner, 1995). He is editor or co-editor and chapter author of six volumes, including most recently The US-Japan Alliance: Balancing Soft and Hard Power in East Asia (Routledge-Nissan Institute, 2010), which was awarded the 2011 Ohira Memorial Foundation (Tokyo) Special Prize; The Rise of China: Implications for East Asian Order (Palgrave 2016); Routledge Handbook of Africa-Asia Relations (Routledge, 2018); and The Belt and Road Initiative in Asia, Africa, and Europe (Routledge 2023). David has also authored numerous journal articles, book chapters, and media commentaries addressing his research interests.


Kuei-Tien Chou is a professor in the Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University (NTU). He recently contributed to the books Sociology of Climate Change – High Carbon Society and its Transformation Challenge (National Taiwan University Press, 2017), Energy Transition in East Asia – A Social Scientific Perspective (Routledge, 2018), Climate Change Governance in Asia (Routledge, 2020), and Air Pollution Governance in East Asia (Routledge 2022).

Currently, Dr. Chou is director of the Risk Society and Policy Research Center, NTU, where he constructs a risk communicative platform between politicians, industry, civil society and media in terms of the radical societal transition in Taiwan and in East Asia. He leads young researchers in RSPRC to engage in advocacy for sustainable transitions and published several journal articles, edited books, and policy papers discussing the new paradigm of transboundary risk governance. His research interests include risk governance, sustainable development, globalization, technological democracy, risk communication, and East Asia Risk Society. Recently, he has dedicated himself to the issues of pandemics and climate change governance to reflect sustainability and cosmopolitan governance challenges.

姜敏娥(Minah Kang)


她的研究興趣包括全球衛生和治理、公共問責制、政府開發援助的監測和評估、婦女權利、以及創新的稽核和評估。她在許多國際公共政策和衛生政策期刊發表了論文,包括《新英格蘭醫學雜誌(NEJM)》、《衛生事務(Health Affairs)》、《亞太觀點(Asia Pacific Viewpoint)》、《醫療保健(Medical Care)》、《衛生政策(Health Policy)》和《美國醫學會雜誌》。她是《 衛生系統與改革期刊(Journal of Health Systems & Reform)》的編委會成員和《現代生物出版集團醫療衛生服務研究期刊(BMC Health Services Research)》的副編輯。她取得了哈佛大學的衛生政策博士學位、哈佛甘迺迪政府學院碩士和梨花女子大學學士。

野村 周平

野村周平博士為慶應義塾大學醫學院醫療政策與管理學系副教授,他積極投入全球疾病負擔研究 (GBD) 和全球營養報告 (GNR)。他任職於 GNR 獨立專家小組「GBD 科學委員會」,在日本 2023 年舉行 G7 高峰會時,也是 G7 全球衛生工作小組的成員之一。此外,他也為比爾及梅琳達蓋茲基金會日本辦事處、SEEK Development 和世界衛生組織健康發展中心提供諮詢服務。

野村博士在規劃日本 COVID-19 應變對策方面扮演關鍵的角色,啟動多項計畫,例如超額死亡紀錄儀和 COOPERA 醫療保健系統。他的專業領域包括生物統計學、全球衛生政策、災害風險管理等。

楊小燕(Yen Pottinger)

楊小燕博士(Yen Pottinger)目前於哥倫比亞大學的ICAP擔任實驗室監測的資深技術顧問,她是擁有超過15年經驗的傳染病和公衛專家。楊小燕擁有加州大學戴維斯分校的藥理學和病毒學博士學位,於COVID-19疫情期間向美國疾病管控和預防中心、美國衛生署及其他政府機關提供新冠肺炎病毒研究與檢測之相關技術支援與指導。她曾在美國疾病管控和預防中心領導愛滋病毒監測研究,更曾成功開發了愛滋病毒檢測技術,被廣泛應用於全球愛滋病毒檢測。




Collin Tukuitonga

Collin Fonotau Tukuitonga 爵士是出生於紐埃的紐西蘭醫生、公共衛生學者、公共政策專家和降低毛利人和太平洋島民健康不平等倡議者。他曾在紐西蘭和國際上擔任多個公共衛生和政府職務。


Tukuitonga 爵士曾擔任多個極具影響力的職務,包括太平洋共同體(Pacific Community, SPC)主席、世界衛生組織日內瓦專員和協調人、紐西蘭太平洋島嶼事務部首席執行官和衛生部公共衛生總監。他還在創立太平洋語言週系列活動扮演關鍵角色,作為紐西蘭政府的一項倡議,並在他的家鄉紐埃島上建立了每兩年一次的「紐埃文化和藝術節」。

Tukuitonga 爵士是在紐西蘭和全球醫療保健領域中最傑出的太平洋島民之一。在紐西蘭新冠病毒疫情危機期間,他為太平洋群島民發聲至關重要,並且他一直公開指出太平洋島民在醫療系統中的不公平待遇,推動對太平洋島民更有正面影響的政策。

他目前在奧克蘭大學的職位包括醫學與健康科學學院行政副院長、人口健康學副教授和太平洋和全球健康中心(Centre for Pacific and Global Health)的大學研究主任。