Kristoffer B. Berse

Dean and Associate Professor, National College of Public Administration and Governance, University of the Philippines Diliman

Director for Research and Creative Work, UP Resilience Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman

Kristoffer B. Berse is Dean and Associate Professor at the National College of Public Administration and Governance (UP-NCPAG) of the University of the Philippines Diliman, and concurrent Director for Research and Creative Work of the UP Resilience Institute (UPRI). He earned his PhD and master’s degrees in Urban Engineering and Environmental Studies, respectively, from the University of Tokyo, and his bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from UP-NCPAG. He held the UP Diliman Rafael Salas Professorial Chair in Public Administration (2018-2019) and was conferred the 2019 Virginia Miralao Excellence in Research Award by the Philippine Social Science Council. He was inducted into the Council of Fellows of the Philippine Public Safety College in 2020, serves as Research Fellow of the Development Academy of the Philippines, and sits as Technical Evaluator for Public Administration of the Commission on Higher Education (2020-2023). Internationally, Kris is an IRDR Young Scientist and a Working Group Member of the Southeast Asia Science Advice Network (SEA SAN). Outside of teaching and research, he works with government and non-government organizations such as the ASEAN, UNDRR, ADB, UNDP, The Asia Foundation, Local Government Academy, Climate Change Commission, and Save the Children, among others, in areas broadly crisscrossing disaster risk governance, crisis management, climate change adaptation, public policy, and inter-local cooperation.