

財團法人亞太堅韌研究基金會(亞堅會,Center for Asia-Pacific Resilience and Innovation,CAPRI)為一個非政府、超黨派的國際組織。聚焦公共衛生、經濟發展、環境永續等研究領域,我們透過務實的比較研究,從亞太的觀點引領全球政策討論,推動創新治理,打造堅韌社會。


We are looking for bilingual Associates to undertake high-quality, applied interdisciplinary policy research, manage projects, coordinate convening activities, and undertake administrative tasks as part of an international team of highly motivated and globally minded staff. Associates will participate in CAPRI’s research and engagement activities by collaboratively designing and implementing research projects with CAPRI staff as well as external partners. Working in both English and Chinese, Associates will also facilitate coordination with external partners worldwide on joint research and collaborative convening opportunities, contributing to the creative development and planning of CAPRI’s research and engagement activities. Operational, developmental, and administrative tasks will include coordinating speaker invitations, program notes, and logistics of CAPRI’s public and closed-door events, planning and executing internal meetings and events, and presenting CAPRI’s work to professionals in academia, industry, civil society, and government.


  • Excellent communication and writing skills in English and Mandarin Chinese
  • MA, PhD, or JD in a field relevant to CAPRI’s areas of focus, such as social science, public health, Asian studies, public policy, economics, international affairs, or environmental studies. Exceptionally qualified candidates with BAs will also be considered.
  • At least 2 years of full- or part-time experience in policy research, especially on the Asia Pacific
  • Ability to work collaboratively within a small, flat, start-up organizational structure
  • Creativity, flexibility, and a collaborative mindset
  • Excellent organizational and problem-solving skills


  • Experience in quantitative analysis


On-site in Taipei


Competitive; determined in light of position-related experience, professional accomplishments, and education.


請將以下文件寄至 [email protected]:

  1. Your résumé/CV in both Chinese and English
  2. A brief statement of interest (either in Chinese or English)
  3. At least two writing samples or publications in English and Chinese
  4. Contact information for two references
Join CAPRI with us.