自 2020 年以來,林夏如認知到全球在對抗新冠疫情的過程中,強大的韌性與復原力最為關鍵,遂於 2022 年成立亞太堅韌研究基金會,結合跨域比較研究與具有社會影響力的公開活動,期望以亞太觀點放眼全球,推動亞太地區的政策創新和良善治理。
費凱琳來自美國北卡羅萊納州,在波士頓東北大學取得國際關係及歷史學士學位後,她獲得傅爾布萊特獎助至國立政治大學亞太研究英語碩士學程攻讀碩士。畢業後,她在台北擔任學術論文編輯及研究助理,並於 2022 年加入亞堅會。她自 2017 年起即長居在台北。
葛蘇迪2011年取得醫學學位後,決定追求一個結合了他對醫學及語言的興趣的領域——學術編輯,因而在編輯研究文章、出版物及會議論文集上,擁有廣泛的經驗。他也於2016年獲得了Board of Editors in the Life Sciences (BELS) 的認證。他也正在開發針對學術文章的文法檢查工具軟體,同時也參與語言學和自然語言的研討會。
他曾任職路透社及財經資訊平台 Acuris 的財經記者,負責亞洲資本市場的即時報道,亦曾擔任香港南華早報(SCMP)記者,其中2014年香港雨傘運動的現場報道曾獲提名亞洲出版協會(SPOA)2015年「亞洲卓越新聞獎」的突發新聞獎。目前定居台北。
蔡葵希博士為國立政治大學訪問助理教授。她專攻傳播科學及媒體心理學,並為國際傳播學會(International Communication Association, ICA)之成員。她亦為《電腦中介傳播》(Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication)學刊、《媒介心理學(Journal of Media Psychology)學刊之編輯委員會之成員。她的研究聚焦於增進網路素養,她於亞堅會之研究重點乃是為長期以西方世界為中心的研究敘事中帶入亞洲觀點。
王美天在 2024 年加入亞堅會擔任研究員。她是一名國際非政府組織的永續金融專家,曾於學術界擔任資深研究員、專案經理和高級講師,專攻公共行政及經濟體系相關領域研究。在進入學術界前,她在金融領域擁有豐富經驗,尤其是大型以及中小型企業商業貸款評估。
Makaela Burch joined CAPRI in August 2024 as a Princeton in Asia fellow. She graduated from Grinnell College in 2022 with a bachelor’s in political science with concentrations in global development studies and environmental studies. She completed a master’s in city and regional planning from Georgia Tech with a focus on urban sustainability and environmental management.
At Georgia Tech, she served as a research assistant for the EcoUrban lab, studying the impacts of public policy on urban design and sustainability. She has professional experience in community development, environmental health and justice, and economic resilience.
Outside of work, Makaela enjoys language learning and travel, as well as ice skating and exploring nature.
Max Getty is a graduate of NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualised Study, where he studied the relationship between and evolution of politics and media. His colloquium examined the changes in the media and political landscape before and after the abolition of the Fairness Doctrine.
During his time at NYU, he developed his journalistic skills on the news desk at Washington Square News and as an editor for the American Public Policy Review, focusing on student–administration relations, labor, and energy policy. His professional experience also includes financial planning and government roles, where he gained valuable insights into financial analysis and policymaking.
Outside of his professional work, Max is passionate about language, rowing, and cinema.
在加入亞堅會之前,她任職於學術交流基金會(Fulbright Taiwan),負責執行該基金會的整體平面設計、網站及視覺形象設計,同時協助基金會的社群媒體及多媒體內容經營。
Jacob Libby 目前就讀於哈佛大學法律系。他擁有北京大學燕京學院碩士學位,專攻地緣政治下的中美台半導體及亞洲區經貿政策,諸如出口管控、外商投資及工業發展政策。他曾於美國維吉尼亞大學雙主修國際關係及西班牙語,並曾任職於美國國務院、SupChina、卡內基清華全球政策中心 (Carnegie-Tsinghua Center)、及維吉尼亞大學米勒公共事務中心(Miller Center)並從事相關研究。
Jacob 對於觀察亞洲地區科技發展趨勢有高度熱誠,並希望能發揮所長,推動拓展美國及東亞地區各國之邦交關係,突破氣候變遷及民主衰弱所帶來之挑戰,共創更蓬勃及創新的未來。
Ben Makarechian is a current 4th year undergraduate student at the University of Virginia’s Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, where he is majoring in public policy and economics and a minoring in Chinese. His interests include economic development and Chinese foreign policy.
During his time at UVA, his writing on US-China relations has been featured in the Virginia Journal of International Affairs and the Pacific Council Magazine. He has developed leadership skills as a member of UVA’s historic Honor Committee and president of its Rugby Club. In summer 2024, Ben spent nine weeks in Beijing developing his Chinese language skills after being awarded the Monaghan Scholarship by UVA’s Department of East Asian Languages, Literatures and Cultures.
Outside of his studies and extracurricular engagements, Ben enjoys weightlifting, hiking, and watching professional American football.
Joshua McCray is a combination Master of Public Policy and Master of Public Health Candidate at the University of Virginia. Before starting graduate school, he worked as a clinical research coordinator and served as a student representative to the Virginia Rural Health Association Board of Directors. Joshua holds bachelor’s degrees in Biochemistry and History from the University of Virginia’s College at Wise (UVA Wise). In addition, he was recently selected as a Tadler Fellow at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. Driven by his passion for addressing public health disparities and improving rural resilience, he has completed research on drinking water contamination in rural Appalachia and worked with the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to advertise, coordinate, and distribute COVID-19 vaccinations in Southwest Virginia. Joshua’s research interests lie in global rural health and healthcare insurance markets. He is excited to join CAPRI this summer to further develop his policy research and analysis skills, increase his comprehension of healthcare delivery in the Asia-Pacific, and contribute to global health policy discussions.
Anda Armond is a second-year undergraduate student at the University of Virginia (UVA), majoring in Kinesiology and African American Studies. Before attending UVA, she served as a Student Representative for 15 county schools in the surrounding Albemarle County area. Recently, she was recognized with the Women of the Year award through programs aligned with UVA’s Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, highlighting her commitment to leadership and advocacy.
Driven by a passion for medicine, Anda is particularly interested in researching the sociocultural disparities embedded within the medical system. After completing her undergraduate studies, Anda plans to pursue a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies to gain further experience in medicine and continue her research on healthcare disparities. In her free time, she actively participates in UVA’s CIOs (Contracted Independent Organizations) that focus on community wellness and development.