

隨著民粹主義在美國、歐洲和亞太地區興起,「民主倒退」成為眾人熱議的話題。COVID-19大流行、全球氣候變化等危機均顯示,良好的治理與公眾的信任是民主社會構築韌性以因應挑戰的基石。民主領袖們應當如何維繫公眾信任、改進政治制度、增強社會韌性?2023年4月19日,亞太堅韌研究基金會(亞堅會)美國揭幕活動在歷史悠久的維吉尼亞大學圓廳圖書館(The Rotunda)舉行,前澳洲總理暨亞堅會國際顧問委員會主席 Malcolm Turnbull 和前雪梨市長 Lucy Turnbull 與維吉尼亞大學全球事務副教務長暨亞堅會國際顧問委員會委員 Stephen Mull 對話,提出他們對民主領導與治理的洞見。這場活動亦向全球觀衆直播,錄影參見 在此查看

在維吉尼亞大學校長 Jim Ryan 開幕致詞後,Malcolm 和 Lucy 結合他們擔任領袖的經歷,剖析了當下虛假訊息氾濫對全球民主社會造成的衝擊,導致社會日益分裂,黨派偏見盛行。 Malcolm Turnbull 表示,「民主社會面臨的最大威脅來自社會內部。」他於演講中進一步解釋民粹主義時代政治領袖應如何鞏固民主制度,以事實真相捍衛民主治理,並分享他支持亞堅會成立以推動亞太地區跨域合作的願景。


— Malcolm Turnbull

Lucy Turnbull 分享了她如何領導建構永續城市空間、以良善治理助力在地社群的繁榮。「當你深入社群,和民眾就他們感興趣的議題交談時,你會捕捉到人們無窮的想像力,」Lucy 表示。


— Lucy Turnbull

雪梨是最多元化的國際都市之一,作為前雪梨市長,Lucy 致力於連結不同社群、統籌各界視角,透過推動不同族群間的相互尊重與真誠溝通為市民打造更幸福的生活環境。

本活動由亞堅會、 米勒公共事務中心、UVa Global 以及 Karsh Institute of Democracy 共同舉辦。作為亞堅會的第一場海外活動,本次專題講座對亞堅會實現其使命有著重要的意義。在今年五月,亞堅會成立屆滿週年,Malcolm 將偕同其他亞堅會國際顧問委員會成員首次齊聚台北參與首次的年度會議,與各界共同探討後疫情時代亞太地區如何以創新治理引領全球朝著堅韌的未來前進。




在亞堅會美國揭幕活動中,前澳洲總理暨亞堅會國際顧問委員會主席 Malcolm Turnbull 和前雪梨市長 Lucy Turnbull 將與維吉尼亞大學全球事務副教務長暨亞堅會國際顧問委員會委員 Stephen Mull 對話,提出他們對民主領導與治理的洞見。Malcolm Turnbull 將講述他挽救搖搖欲墜的跨太平洋夥伴協定與支持亞堅會成立的故事,和他推動亞太地區跨域合作的願景。Lucy Turnbull 將分享她如何領導建構永續城市空間、以良善治理助力在地社群的繁榮。


本活動由亞堅會、米勒公共事務中心UVa Global 以及 Karsh Institute of Democracy共同舉辦。更多訊息參見UVa Global 網站。



美國東岸時間 14:00-15:15




Picture of Malcolm Turnbull 閣下

Malcolm Turnbull 閣下


Australia’s 29th Prime Minister (2015-2018) had international careers in law, business, and the media before entering politics at the age of 50. As Prime Minister, he reformed Australia’s personal income tax, education and childcare systems, oversaw the legalization of same sex marriage and announced the construction of Snowy Hydro 2.0, the biggest pumped hydro scheme in the southern hemisphere. Mr. Turnbull embarked on the largest peacetime investment in Australian defense capabilities and set out Australia’s first national cybersecurity strategy. Globally, Mr. Turnbull played a leading role in reviving the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP-11 or CPTPP) after the United States withdrew. He also struck deals with US Presidents Obama and Trump to accept refugees who tried to arrive in Australia illegally by boat. As a young lawyer, Mr. Turnbull successfully defended former MI5 agent Peter Wright against the British Government in the 1986 “Spycatcher” trial before entering business, where he ran his own investment banking firm for a decade before joining Goldman Sachs as a partner in 1997. Both before and after his political career, Mr. Turnbull has been a successful venture capitalist. He cofounded OzEmail Limited, the first Australian tech company to be listed on the NASDAQ. Since leaving politics, Mr. Turnbull has resumed his business career. He is a senior adviser to KKR and an investor in, and adviser to, many Australian technology businesses. He is a director of the International Hydropower Association and Chairman of Australian Fortescue Future Industries. Mr. Turnbull speaks and writes on a range of issues including cyber security, geopolitics, and renewable energy.

Picture of Lucy Hughes Turnbull 夫人

Lucy Hughes Turnbull 夫人



Lucy Hughes Turnbull is an urbanist, businesswoman, and philanthropist with a longstanding interest in cities, culture, technological and social innovation, and Australian research and commercialization. Lucy is a Director of Turnbull and Partners Pty Ltd, a family-owned business which invests in earlier stage innovative enterprises. In January 2020 she was appointed by the New South Wales (NSW) government as Chair of the Sydney Opera House Trust. From 2015 to 2020 she was the inaugural Chief Commissioner of the Greater Sydney Commission, tasked by the NSW state government to assist in delivering strong and effective strategic planning for the whole of metropolitan Sydney. Prior to that she spent several years as Deputy Chair and Chair of the Committee for Sydney. From 2003 to 2004 she was Lord Mayor of the City of Sydney, the first woman ever to hold the position. She has held many other board roles in the not-for-profit and private sector, including the Art Gallery of New South Wales Trust, National Portrait Gallery, Museum of Contemporary Art, Redfern-Waterloo Authority, Redfern Foundation, and the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation. In 2011 Lucy was awarded an Order of Australia for her services to the community, local government and business. In 2012 she was awarded an honorary doctorate from University of New South Wales Business School, in 2017 she was awarded an honorary doctorate (Arts) from Western Sydney University, and in 2013-18 she was Honorary President of the German-Australian Chamber of Commerce.


Picture of Stephen D. Mull

Stephen D. Mull



Ambassador Stephen D. Mull is Vice Provost for Global Affairs at the University of Virginia. In this role he is the primary lead on global relations at the University, responsible for developing a strategic vision, designing outreach, and overseeing international activities. Steve is responsible for overseeing institutional development of global partnerships and developing a wide array of services, programs, experiences, and strategic partnerships that promote global imagination within the university community.

Mull has served in a broad range of U.S. national security positions, most recently as Acting Under Secretary for Political Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, working as the day-to-day manager of overall regional and bilateral policy issues, and overseeing the bureaus for Africa, East Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Eurasia, the Near East, South and Central Asia, the Western Hemisphere, and International Organizations. He served as Lead Coordinator for Iran Nuclear Implementation from August 2015 until August 2017; in which capacity he led U.S. government interagency efforts and diplomacy to implement the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Mull was the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Poland from 2012 until 2015 and U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Lithuania from 2003 to 2006.