
Assessing Taiwan’s economic resilience

Sustainability & Resilience in Pacific Island Health Systems

The Complex Legacies of Fallen Empires: from Rome to Britain and from Russia to China






At the University of Virginia’s historic Rotunda, Malcolm Turnbull, former Prime Minister of Australia and Chair of CAPRI International Advisory Council, and Lucy Turnbull, former Lord Mayor of Sydney, discussed democratic resilience and effective leadership from the local to the global level.

構築堅韌之島 困境中選擇台灣的未來

CAPRI’s second public forum featured Dr. Richard Bush, nonresident senior fellow at Brookings, focusing on themes in his recent book Difficult Choices: Taiwan’s Quest for Security and the Good Life and the challenges Taiwan faces in balancing competing priorities when formulating policy. Dr. Bush was joined by Alicia García Herreo, Enoch Wu, and Jiunn-rong Yeh to discuss how to build a resilient future of Taiwan.

失控的世界:COVID-19 起源及因應

本專題講座將由亞堅會董事長暨美國維吉尼亞大學米勒公共事務中心研究教授林夏如主持,博明和楊小燕將分別從國家安全與流行病學領域的專業視角,共同探討 COVID-19 的起源和因應措施,並省思如何建立具有韌性的治理體系,以面對全新的公衛挑戰。