

本文源於作者林夏如、費凱琳與黃思爲於美國著名中國政治經濟研究期刊 China Leadership Monitor 上發表的論文(What Taiwan’s 2024 Election Means for China, the US, and the Future of Taiwan)。

What Taiwan’s 2024 Election Means for China, the US, and the Future of Taiwan

Syaru Shirley Lin, Caroline Fried, and Siwei Huang of CAPRI provide in-depth analysis on the implication of Taiwan's 2024 presidential and legislative elections on current domestic governance challenges and the evolving Taipei-Beijing-Washington relationship.



How Taiwan’s High-Income Trap Shapes Its Options in the U.S.-China Competition

This chapter examines Taiwan’s options in navigating the growing rivalry between China and the United States.