


Innovating for the Climate-resilient Future

This workstream considers energy policy, climate finance, planetary health, and innovation to help policymakers address the climate crisis in the Asia Pacific.

施振榮對台灣民主未來正向樂觀 盼民主經驗成世界典範

Remarks by Enoch Wu at CAPRI Public Forum “Difficult Choices: Building Taiwan’s Resilience for an Uncertain Future”

Overview: Democracy and Public Health in Asia

The Democracy in Asia project was launched by the Brookings Foreign Policy program in 2020 to explore the state of democracy in the Indo-Pacific region and examine the role and influence of democracy in the Asian context.




Reform for Resilience Research Report

How Taiwan’s High-Income Trap Shapes Its Options in the U.S.-China Competition

This chapter examines Taiwan’s options in navigating the growing rivalry between China and the United States.