Building Future Resilience for Pandemics & Climate Change


7 月 28, 2022



Nicoll 3, Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Center,
1 Raffles Blvd, Singapore 039593

亞堅會團隊及其董事會成員出席在新加坡舉辦的 2022年全球衛生安全會議(GHS2022) 。會議期間,堅韌社會再造委員會(Reform for Resilience Commission)共同主席與各區域中心首次進行會面。在下午的場邊會議中,雙方討論了委員會的戰略方向、研究重點和2023年的工作計劃。我們期待擴大委員會的工作範疇,以提高全球各部門和學科的韌性。

The Reform for Resilience Commission held a panel discussion at the Global Health Security Conference 2022 in Singapore featuring three Co-Chairs discussing the pandemic, climate emergency and how we build future resilience together.

From left to right: Dr. Patricia Geli, Executive Director, Reform for Resilience Commission, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health; The Hon. Mr. Malcolm Turnbull, 29th Prime Minister of Australia; Professor Michelle Williams, Dean, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health; Professor José Manuel Barroso, Chair of Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance


The Hon. Mr. Malcolm Turnbull, 29th Prime Minister of Australia

The Hon. Professor José Manuel Barroso, Chair of Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance

Professor Michelle Williams, Dean, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health


Dr Patricia Geli, Executive Director, Reform for Resilience Commission, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health

Visit Global Health Security Conference 2022 website to learn more about the program